Saturday, July 4, 2009

~ What Hugs Can Do ~

我觉得这个很有意思哦!!Its very Meaningful哦!! 是说关于~拥抱~ Hug~



A hug is a greeting when we meet to say hello,
Or to say goodbye when we have to go
It can hold us up when life gets us down,
And make us smile, instead of frown.

A hug can be given for no reason at all,
And given to those, both big and small;
We're never too old to feel the joy it brings;
As it is one of life's most pleasant things.

And for all of this beauty, a hug is free!
It costs nothing, yet means so much to me;
Hug another to show we care,
For to feel a warm hug, nothing can compare.


A hug is a wonderful gift to share,
A way to show each other that we care;
There is so much a hug is able to do,
When you feel those arms holding you.

A hug is a place to feel safe and warm,
A comfort for a sad heart that is torn;
An expression of the love in our heart,
For one whom we wish, never to be harmed.

~ " It's funny that a hug can do.
For each one that you give out, you receive one in return."~

~Let's hug a friend! Hug a tree! Hug a pet! Hug the world!!!~

-The End-

Thank you


  1. last time if got girls want hug me i will cabut n feel very very paise...

    but after what actually a hug means..
    i still will shy but i will hug frens if they need hug

    lets hug the world!!
